Private Label Products to Sell and How to Find Them

Rhema Made
2 min readSep 21, 2021


Private label products to sell (Rhema Blog Post)

Over the years, it has become remarkably easy for anyone to design, create, and produce their own private label products to sell. From amazon to shopify, the online e commerce market is flooded with unique private label products that allow individuals to make a continuous passive income. With this craze becoming a huge part of our world today, what is stopping you from jumping onto this private label company band wagon?

Many people do not know what private labels are exactly, or what they require to get started in the industry. Let’s take a look at what exactly private label is and some of the best products to sell in today’s market.

So, what are Private Label Products? A private label product consists of a private label manufacturer who produces a product that allows you to place your own design or label on and sell it as your brand. In many ways, it is a great way to make money without doing the actual labour of creating your product. You hire someone else to do that part for you, and you design and sell the packaging/product.

Here are a few examples of Private Label Products.

Water Bottles

This is a big one. You can slap your logo or brand on a water bottle mass manufactured somewhere else and suddenly you have your own water bottle that you can sell at whatever price you determine.

Phone Cases

You see phone cases at the mall, at kiosks, and for sale at street vendors. Phone cases, like water bottles, are mass manufactured and you can brand is however you want and sell it as your own.

Reusable Bags

From reusable shopping bags to tote bags, these are a popular form of private label products to sell. They can be practical or fashionable, whichever audience you aim to market to.

But this is only the tip of the iceberg. There are many private label products to sell. You can find private label products wholesale. You can find private label products to sell on amazon. You can find private label manufacturers Canada. For health supplements and functional food, you will want to check out Rhema Made. They are 30 years into making some of the best products on the market for you to sell!

